July 16, 2019 - Journal Entry #5

Dear Reader,
1:27 AM: Right now, I'm on my way to TC with Mum, FrederickFreddieSon(FFS), and SY. I have a counseling appointment. I had just gotten back from SB's, exhausted. And then, next thing I know, Mum is yelling, telling us to do a ton of chores, rushing all over the place, and then screaming at SY, because he wasn't waiting downstairs like he was supposed to be, so that he could...

1:30 PM: ...help Dad when Dad got home, which is kinda SY's fault. And I haven't even eaten lunch, because we were gonna go get lunch with Dad. But Dad's exhausted and he needs to ice his knee, so he's staying home.

1:36 PM: And yes, my dad decided that he was going to go to work. I'm very worried since it hasn't even been a full month since he's been taking the blood-thinners and I don't think...

1:37 PM: ...that driving is a good idea for him to start doing so soon. 😖

1:45 PM: We're in TC right now. My appointment is at 2.

2:09 PM: I'm waiting for Mum to check in with JudithGlare(JG). Then, if Mum doesn't use up the whole hours (kinda hoping she does), I'll talk with JG. Hopefully, the hours passes quickly and we are able to get food soon.

3:08 PM: So, my session is over. We're headed to get food now. I'm so exhausted and food-deprived, I think that it's getting to me. I swear, it's too bright outside right now... 😣

3:45 PM: We're heading home now. MM canceled on me again. I don't know what I expected. I'm still proud of her. She's doing much better at planning to go places and actually fulfilling her promises. I mean, she read a book for me. Lol... and she doesn't even like to read. If that doesn't show how much of a best friend she is, then I don't know what does. 😉

4:04 PM: We're in town. That's it for today. Sorry it's so short.

- Ella Cinder
