Death and Anxiety. OOF.

Dear RPU,

So, you wanted me to interpret your dream.

You claim that it was more of a nightmare, but in a good way. (To which I say, HOW IN THE HELL? but I believe you as I wait for you to continue describing it). XD

You clarify that the dream started off as a dream and then turned into a nightmare, which is now very understandable. (And makes a tad more sense lol).

Now, please. WHAT HAPPENED?

"Okay. So, first off, um, I was, I was around a garden. With you. And with some other people that we know, um. And then we were looking around, it was one of those fancy, famous gardens, but I can't recall the name (or whatever). We were having a great day, it was a beautiful, not too sunny, but nice and bright and there were pretty clouds overhead. Everything was amazing. We hung out at the garden and had brunch. Then, we look around at some more of the garden, since it was so big, and we took a break in this section that we found, and we had to social distance and wear our masks. Then, we went to see a movie (the garden disappeared fast?), I don't know the name of the movie, I can't remember. Afterwards, we went home, our separate ways. After a while, we were getting sick. We were very very worried, because it was okay to go out again, but we still ended up getting sick. We got tested for COVID and it was positive and we went to the hospital, were panicking, and ended up dying. I was very very worried about what people thought of me after I died, and I hoped that I would continue to be friends with you in my next life. I was sad that I hadn't been able to live my entire life, and check off my entire bucket list of things that I wanted to do."

Jeez. You poor poor poor soul. I wish I was there to give you a hug. I will say this, though: We are going to be okay, boo. As long as your family and you take the proper precautions, you do not need to worry about a thing. Okay? And my family and I are also taking the proper precautions, so I am going to be fine. I promise.

And now for Dreammoods:

"To see a flower garden in your dream represents tranquility, comfort, love and domestic bliss. You need to be more nurturing."

"To dream that you die in your dream symbolizes inner changes, transformation, self-discovery and positive development that is happening within you or your life. You are undergoing a transitional phase and are becoming more enlightened or spiritual. Although such a dream may bring about feelings of fear and anxiety, it is no cause for alarm as it is often considered a positive symbol. Dreams of experiencing your own death usually means that big changes are ahead for you. You are moving on to new beginnings and leaving the past behind. These changes does not necessarily imply a negative turn of events. Metaphorically, dying can be seen as an end or a termination to your old ways and habits. So, dying does not always mean a physical death, but an ending of something."

"In such dreams, the death is often represented by someone else. So if you dream that someone is dead, then it means that you want to repress that aspect of yourself that is represented by the dying person. Whatever that person represents has no part in your own life anymore."

"Dreaming of death may be your subconscious way of dealing with the idea of death and your own mortality. It is natural to be anxious about death. When will it happen? How will it happen? Will it hurt? Sometimes it is hard to think about death consciously because it is unpleasant or taboo or you just don't want to think about it. As a result, you push it into your subconscious where it may play out in your dream."

Hopefully, that helps you understand your dream a little more. And remember: DON'T FREAK OUT. You are alive! :D

-- Ella Cinder

