29 August 2020

 Dear Reader,

So. Last night, I had an interesting dream.

My family and I were in a town somewhere and we were getting our bikes fixed. There were other people there, too, with bicycles, scooters, and motorcycles. I was admiring the motorcycles for a while and then Dad said that my bike was ready. But when I went to look for it, I couldn't find it. I started to freak out, and just kept repeating, "Who the hell stole my bike?!" I don't remember anything after that, just that I was standing in the middle of the street, screaming. And when I say screaming, I mean screaming. Like, the loudest, most heartbreaking, desperate scream I have ever hear in my life (technically dream, but still).



According to Dreammoods.com:

"To dream that you are screaming symbolizes anger and fear. You are expressing some powerful emotion which you have kept pent up inside."

"To see or ride a motorcycle in your dream symbolizes your desire for freedom and need for adventure. You may be trying to escape from some situation or some other responsibility in your waking life. Alternatively, a motorcycle is symbolic of raw sexuality. Perhaps you are moving too fast."

"To dream that someone is stealing something from you indicates that you are experiencing an identity crisis or are suffering from some sort of loss in your life. Alternatively, the dream means that someone has stolen your success or has taken credit for something you did. Perhaps you feel that you have been treated unfairly."

Well, okay.

So, I need to calm the frick down, take it slow, and stop worrying? I don't even know. This is too weird. XD

-- Ella Cinder
